We have a special testimonial to share with you today, Pan-Abode family, from a couple who have been living in and loving their beautiful Pan-Abode for 48 years and counting!
We were so touched to receive these kind words from them that we wanted to share with everyone here who will likely share in the love that they have expressed for their home!
Changes were made to the roof in order to increase the insulation to try and alleviate some of the strain on their air conditioner with the surge of heat waves that we have all been experiencing these last few years.
At first, they expressed being were unsure about raising the roof of the house by a foot, but now that everything is completed, they are finding it to be very appealing and extremely practical! They stated that “It looks solid and sturdy as if it was meant to be. We think it looks pleasing to the eye!”
They have also generously provided us with photos from their construction phase, permission to share them with all of you and mentioned that “After 48 years the cedar roof planks look brand new” which is yet another testament to the durability of our Select Tight Knot tongue and groove Western Red Cedar!
Their message reads:
“Hello Pan Abode,
Thank you for sending detailed drawings and info about roof modification on our house. Construction has been complete for a few weeks and already we have noticed that the air conditioner does not run as much so good things are happening.
We used the two by sixteen rafters with r-40 insulation.
You will notice that the house is painted . That was done to match our other buildings. We like the color and it is much easier to maintain.
Also I would like to mention the inside of the house looks brand new. It is amazing how the cedar stands up to age. We have used Swedish oil on the inside twice in 48 years and it is like day one when it was first built.
We hope you enjoy these pictures and please keep in touch.
It is not often in this day and age that we can find a company that looks after their customers even after 48 years.(Built the house in 1972)
Thank you Pan abode and now we are good for another 48 years.
Faithful and happy customers!”